Your healing

Is Uniquely Urs .

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What is healing?

Spiritual healing is an esoteric journey that involves using energy and spiritual guidance to help heal the mind and body so that the soul can be whole again. Healing is learning to identify the imbalances in our bodies, thoughts, feelings, actions, memories, and life experiences. It is aligning the imbalance or releasing blocked energy that is not serving us in our lives and allowing us to heal and regain peace and harmony in our lives.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered by UniquelyUrs.R.A | Root Awakenings is solely for educational or entertainment purposes. We are in the business of educating clients to empower themselves. Our staff are life coach/holistic practitioners. They are NOT a licensed medical/mental health professional. If you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, go to the nearest emergency room immediately or call 911. Always check with your physician before including body therapy or exercise regimen. Root Awakenings can only make informative suggestions. If you decide to implement any suggestions, you do so at your own risk and Root Awakenings takes no liability for any damages, or side effects, arising from your healing or guidance you choose to implement. All information, statements, posts, blogs, and products discussed during consultations or listed on this website, social media, emails, or by phone by Root Awakenings is at your discretion and at your own risk. Root Awakenings take no liability for any damages that may arise.


A Reiki practitioner will scan the body hovering inches away from the body's energy field. This energy shall be transmitted to the emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies of the individual. Channeling life force energy to assist you in your healing. The human body has a wonderful ability to better heal itself once it allows Reiki energy to enter the body.

Everyone's experience will be different and will be personal to each individual. It is highly recommended that you drink plenty of water before your session begins to allow the energy to flow smoothly and after your Reiki healing to allow the body to rid itself of the toxins that have been dislodged from the cellular level. One might feel a bit tired, tingly, itchy, and weepy, or nothing for up to three to five days. All of these things are in response to the moving of the life force energy within your body.​


Reiki itself is a Japanese technique used to enhance healing of the physical body, as well as the emotional, mental, and spiritual realms or state of the body. Reiki is used frequently for stress reduction, relaxation, serenity, well-being, self-esteem, and for the faster recovery from illness or injury. Long-Distance Reiki Sessions are wonderful for those of whom are unable to physically come to our healing center or met with the practitioner in person.


Crystal therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions, and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being. Different crystals are unique and carry their own healing properties and vibrational vibes, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. The crystal's vibrational frequencies are said to give crystals their healing abilities. Crystals can be placed on specific points of the body to bring relief or can be swept over the body or both.

The following are some examples of conditions that can possibly be treated with crystal healing.

Headaches, Insomnia, Lack of energy, Anxiety, Fear, Depression, Trauma, Relationship situations, Past life issues, Feeling Stuck, Abuse in any form, Manifestations ​​


7 stones are placed on the chakra energy points of the body. A pendulum is then placed over each stone to clear away negativity within that particular chakra point, pull in love light, balance the energy of your chakra point to receive energy such as Reiki and align and balance your energy and allow it to flow creating a state of peace and balance.

The practitioner will burn a sage stick and take a feather to "smudge" the air, clearing away any negative energies surrounding you. ​


Journeying represents a universal conceptual framework. It includes the belief that the natural world has two aspects: ordinary everyday awareness, formed by our habitual behaviors, patterns of belief, social norms, and cultural conditioning, and a second non-ordinary awareness accessed through altered states, or trance. The trance state is called a soul journey, and it allows the journeyer to view life and life's problems from a detached, spiritual perspective, not easily achieved in a state of ordinary consciousness.

Journeying is a way of communicating with your spiritual self and retrieving information. Your inner self is in constant communication with all aspects of your environment, seen and unseen. You need to journey within to find answers to your questions. You should have a question or objective in mind from the start. Journeying may be undertaken for purposes of divination, for personal healing, to meet one's power animal, spirit guide, or for any number of other reasons. After the journey, you will have an opportunity to process your experience with your practitioner.


Using a variety of intuitive modalities this session facilitates healing with a deeper cleanse at the soul at all levels.

Using the body as a map of communication for healing trapped emotions and karmic patterns, the session generates a mix of energy modalities to help bring some clarity to your life.

May use different modalities such as Reiki, Crystals, Intuitive Guidance, or journeying as they are guided to help release blocks, unwanted habits, patterns, behaviors, and emotions.

Beautiful results are known to come from these sessions. Cleanse, re-balances chakras, help process traumatic emotions caused by all forms of trauma and abuse. Deepens communication with self, others, and help you to reclaim your power and aid with overcoming stress, worry, fear, anxiety, and insomnia. Your session will end with soul-coaching to help you process your experiences and provide clarity to move forward in life.


on healing, clearing, and re-energizing mind, body, and spirit. Intuitive and guided energies are brought in to reconnect to your vibrations to help release and let go of the burdens, emotions, contracts from all plains. Negative energy is released to help remove energetic chords, cleanse and clear and heal body and mind.

Spiritual Intuitive Guidance and Healing


energy meditation for you to relax and bring balance and clarity back to your life. Guided meditation will depend on what is needed to help you ground and balance.


You receive insight into the spirit world by re-connecting with loved ones who have passed. We have no control over who comes through, but we will try to receive validation, affirmation and messages that your loved ones are present in your life, guiding you, and surrounding you with guidance.

Spirit Connection Reading


Coaching We will work together with you to identify the situation in your life that is most in need of healing at this time. Looking at the different layers that have caused your situations take the steps to help release the things thats been preventing you fromliving the life you desire. Healing takes on various different paths and journey and we are here to work with you in creating the package to assist you in bettering your life. Starts at $70 for an hr. or you create an intensive transformational catered to you which will include 1:1, healing, meditation, and whatever else you will need.


Past life reading Find out about your past lives for every life you've lived, you will get a basic profile that includes the following information: When you lived, where you lived,the age you lived to,how you died.General information and clues about your family occupation, significant challenges you faced and a brief description of the life you lived.


Find out about your past lives with this extensive past life reading.

After receiving a physical or digital file of your reading, I offer a

30-minute consultation where you can ask for clarification on any of the information I provided, or any remaining questions.


Readings are messages received by spirit guides and angels coming from a sacred place of love and light. They will share important messages that you are meant to hear at this point in time. All messages are divinely guided to you so that you may be at your highest good.


I have a very special relationship with crystals and have the ability to tune into YOUR SOUL and know what crystals and stones may be helpful to you right now. It's such a joy for me to be able to connect you with the energy of crystals. Crystal reading is a wonderful way to receive guidance for your life from the crystals.

They offer supportive, clear energy. I tune into your energy and through a special set of crystals information our provided to me that will share energetic messages just for you


Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling The gypsy deck, consists of 25 sheets of square shape which form a puzzle of 50 figures. It helps revealing situations, making us aware and able to choose the way in which we must support and we should consider facing the situation. The cards do not seek self-control, the way we see events and how we react to them will always depend on our "free will". Remember that the pilot of your life, your actions or lack thereof, determines what might happen.


The information given in your Psychic Reading comes from your questions, your energy, and the Oracle Cards. The reading focuses on ways you can resolve issues, and helps you decide upon which path to choose in order to create a more rewarding life.


Allow the most important lessons you need to know or learn to come to the forefront through messages from The Universe, Spirit Guides, And other Divine Light Beings.


Tarot Card Reading will bring clarity and direction into your daily life by looking at how you feel about yourself now, what you want at this moment, your fears, what is going on for you, what is going against you, and various outcomes. It can help guide you through troubled emotions and clouded thoughts by showing you a new perspective.




What is a spiritual consultation?

A spiritual consultation attempts to facilitate a spiritual understanding of any situation or imbalance present in someone’s life.

A spiritual perspective and understanding of self and how certain present situations are part of a bigger karmic cycle.

A spiritual consultation is not religiously based, but the religious background may assist with a spiritual understanding of why things are the way they are or why things are happening.

A spiritual counselor is able to receive downloads of messages or information when it becomes available from the intuitive or the higher realms.


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Rapé (pronounced "Ha-peh")

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Our Mission: Increase esoteric awareness and spark each person so they may reach their divine purpose.

Our Vision: Healing souls and empowering others through the process of rootwork with the help of Our Tribe.

Do you feel stagnant and life is not going anywhere? Are you constantly doubting yourself or live in fear? Do you feel confused or lost in life? Are you self-critical or self-sabotage the good things in your life? Do you lack healthy boundaries and give your power so easily, which leaves you feeling unworthy or devalued? Are you easily angered, impulsive, lonely, and feel misunderstood? It doesn't have to be this way! Instead of feeling like you walking in a circle of utter confusion and doubts, invest in yourself so you can finally let go of the struggles and step into your power and live the life you desire.

Could you imagine what life would be like if you never doubted yourself and believe no matter what adversity came your way you would be okay? Can you imagine how easy your life could be if you knew you had the choice to create the life you want? Integrating these spiritual lessons and providing you the healthy tools and awareness will help you access your higher consciousness so you can be free and manifest your life's unique purpose and be in alignment with your authentic self. Have a better understanding and knowledge of why things are happening in your life. Learn the skills to create the changes you need and integrate these lessons to gain clarity and understanding to help transform your life. You can experience what it's like being in harmony with yourself and the universe. You can learn the tools you need in your life to be successful in every area of your life. Many of the clients I have worked with have acquired the tools needed to step in their power and make the changes to be liberated and create a life define by them and no one else.